Monday, November 23, 2009

August 2009 OActivist Compilation

Here's a list of August's published output by members of the OActivist list (most of whom have full-time jobs and only write when time permits): Editorials 1. John Lewis, What 'Right' to Health Care, Raleigh News and Observer and Real Clear Politics, Aug 3/09 2. John Lewis, Jewish Settlements and Israeli Law, CapMag and Objective Standard Blog, Jul 29/09 3. Linn and Ari Armstrong, "In health debate, left and right need to check premises", Grand Junction Free Press, Aug 3/09 4. John Lewis, "Health Care: Why Call it a 'Right'?", Huffington Post, Aug 13/09 5. John Lewis, "There is no 'Right' to Health Care", Durhan Herald-Sun, Aug 6/09 6. Ari Armstrong, "Rationing inherent in Obamacare", Colorado Springs Gazette, Aug 14/09 7. Linn and Ari Armstrong, "That government is best which protects individual rights", Grand Junction Free Press, Aug 17/09 8. Amit Ghate, “Misconstruing the Cause of Waste”, Pajamas Media, Aug 23/09 9. Linn and Ari Armstrong, "Debunking health care reform myths", Grand Junction Free Press, Aug 31/09 10. Barbara Nelson, "Seek out real facts about health care", Daily Courier, Aug 19/09 Media Appearances 1. John Lewis, Doc Thompson Radio Show, Aug 4/09 2. John Lewis, BBC/NPR, World Have Your Say on Health Care Reform, Aug 14/09 3. John Lewis, The Brian Wilson Show, Health Care Reform, WPSD Toledo Aug 14/09 4. John Lewis, The Bill Lumaye Show, Health Care Reform, WPTF Raleigh, Aug 13/09 5. John Lewis, The Tara Servatius Show, Health Bill HR3200, WBT News Talk, Aug 20/09 6. John Lewis, The Bill Lumaye Show, Health Care Reform, WPTF Raleigh, Aug 27/09 7. John Lewis, KOGO radio, Why Obama has ignited nationwide protests, Aug 31/09 Citations or Links 1. John Lewis, "What the Health Care Bill HR3200 Says" on Rush Limbaugh, Aug 12/09 2. John Lewis, "What the Health Care Bill HR3200 Says" in "It’s a Health Care Overhaul, Not Health Care Reform" Melissa Clouthier, PajamasMedia, Aug 16/09 3. Paul Hsieh in the "Future of Obesity?" Proto Magazine, Summer 2009 Letters to the Editor 1. Amesh Adalja, "Not a Right", Pittsburgh Tribune Review, Aug 6/09 2. Jessica Robbins, "Yes, we've lost our minds", Valley Breeze, Aug 13/09 3. Amesh Adalja, "Don't accept pastor's view", Butler Eagle, Aug 14/09 4. Tim Peck, Healthcare, Asheville Citizen Times, Aug 12/09 5. Anders Ingemarson, "Healthcare is not a Right", Denver Post, Aug 19/09 6. Michelle Minton, "Integrity not Legislated", USA Today, Aug 26/09 7. Paul Hsieh, "Health Care Statistics", Denver Post, Aug 29/09. Miscellaneous 1. John David Lewis, "History, Politics, and Claims of Man-Made Global Warming" CCNET Summer 2009 2. Ari Armstrong, talk entitled "How Republicans Can Win on Health Reform" for the Denver Metro Young Republicans, Aug 25/09 Note too that this list does not include web comments, letters to congressmen and other politicians, radio show call-ins, etc., all of which actively spread our message and advance our goals. (Disclaimer: All content listed herein is self-identified as "Objectivist", I have not vetted the content, nor do I necessarily agree with all of it.)